Community Influence when Building a Habit
1 min read · December 23, 2020

Photo by "My Life Through A Lens"
Trying to build or change habits is challenging work. There's a reason that many books have been written about the topic. One thing that cannot be overestimated in value is the impact a community can have in this process. Finding a community of like minded individuals can help overcome the initial inertia of habit formation as well as sustain momentum. They are there to celebrate victories together and hear through the struggles. Engaged communities can check in with you in earnest to see how you are progressing towards your goals.
Lately I have been rediscovering my passion for writing and attribute overcoming the initial friction to a group of friends. They were already writing frequently and sharing their content in a group chat. I'd frequently mention that I should write a blog post on something and then nothing would materialize. They encouraged me to prioritize time to write and frankly called me out on my cognitive dissonance when my words didn't match my priorities. As I started writing anew, they gave me feedback and were my sounding board on various ideas. It's a safe place for a fledgling habit to evolve.
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